Friday, January 24, 2020

An Unsuccessful India :: essays research papers

India is one of the worlds oldest and richest civilizations, the treasure chest of the Far East, and the desire of all the great powers of Europe. After years of battle it ended up under the control of Britain, making it "the most precious jewel in the crown of the Empire". Yet for India, the rule of the British did not bring promises of rebuilding a nation. Rather, it brought new dilemmas to face the Indian people. The British constantly exploited the nation for its prime resources and yet India had no gain from them. As the British Empire expanded, the wealth, resources and power of India attenuated. Slowly the suffering of the people of India grew. Meanwhile, Britain concentrated on increasing profits for its share-holders and officials, neglecting the suffering people of India and not to mention draining the wealth out of a great nation. Furthermore, new British laws destroyed the Indian industries that the British actually helped create in the first place. Their new British laws were also responsible for an enormous unemployment rate. Finally, India was ruled by a country that knew nothing about them and could not sympathize with them or rule them properly. India, at the time, had previously supported the Roman Empire under its rule with jewelry, spices and even clothing. It also was one of the oldest, and at the same time, richest places in the world. A huge number of people lived in India making it one of the biggest colonies in the world. After being dominated by the Roman Empire, India was ruled by the Portuguese. However, the Portuguese were only interested in India's trade so they monopolized on it. Europeans' began to see the true value of India. The Dutch then attacked the Portuguese in India and took over the country. Soon the Dutch were defeated by the French and, finally, in 1757 the British defeated the French decisively and then conquered India by using the method of "divide and rule". Before the British victory over France, in the sixteenth century, India was conquered by the Moslems from the north. In India the majority of the people supported the Hindu religion and the Moslems were supporters of the prophet Mohammed. This caused great tension between the Hindu people and Moslem leaders which contributed to the downfall of the Moslem Empire. Shortly after the crash of the empire, local rulers began to fight amongst themselves for land and power.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Analyse an parfume advertisement and discuss the imagery it contains

Analyse an advertisement and discuss the imagery it contains. Evaluate the success of the advertisers approach and give reasons for your opinions. How would you adapt the advertisement to make it suitable for different target audience? Explain your approach using semiotics. The purpose of advertising is to inform potential customers about products and services and how to obtain them. Every medium is used to show these advertisements, including television, radio, movies, magazines, newspapers, video games, the Internet and billboards. Semiotics is how we view advertisements all the time and notice all of the detail. Ferdinand de Saussure used his theory of signs and semiotics to explore and analyse specific adverts. We can evaluate how well adapted it is to its target audience. In 1974 Ferdinand de Saussure claimed, â€Å"Only a social group can generate signs.† In order to create imagery, the advertiser has used deep rich colour of dark blue to attract the consumer's attention to the perfume as this gives the impression of a seductive fragrance. The whole advert gives the impression of the night and this then shows lust as it is dark. The advertiser has been successful by using a dark colour as the main colour for the advert as dark colours create a sense of sexual activity in the dark. The perfume bottle, for which this advert is for, is used to create the imagery of the moon in the sky as it is shaped like a half moon. It gives the idea to the audience that the perfume is sensual as it is shining light onto the women's chest and she is posed in a sexual way with eyes closed and a hand on her neck. This imagery appeals to the consumer as it suggests that the perfume will make one become sensuous once wearing it. The words, ‘Deep Night' are used on the advert. These words are used to create an imagery of sexual activity and using the word ‘night' makes the audience think of things happening in the night for example sex. The advertiser is not very successful and this is because not many readers will look at the words and then interpret it in this way. Instead of focusing on the words, the reader then focuses on the model. The words, ‘The fragrance of love' are used on the advert. This shows this perfume is the perfume of love, and so by buying it, this perfume can bring you love. This phrase is easily interpreted by the audience and so this makes the advertisers approach successful. Also the fact that this particular perfume is love bound for the audience is showed by the advertiser using the words ‘the fragrance of love'. The model on the advert has her hand by her breasts. This reveals a lust for sex and a plea for men to buy the fragrance for their woman so they can engage in sexual activity aswell. The advertiser was successful by this approach and this is shown by the advert promoting sexual activity. The models top in the advert is very revealing to the audience and her breasts are clearly shown. The advertiser has used this revealing top to get attention by males so -this makes the male think their wife can reveal this top by them buying this perfume for their wife. The advertiser was successful in his attempt to promote sexual activity and this is proven by the models revealing top. The model on the advert has her mouth open and the advertiser shows sexual activity by this. The advertiser was successful by showing a lust for sex and this is shown by the models open mouth. By making the model have her mouth open slightly, it creates a sense of sexual activity and makes the buyer want it even more. The word, ‘ghost' is used on the advert. This creates a dark image by thinking of ghosts. When anyone thinks of ghosts they think of the night. The advertiser has done what he aimed for by using the word, ‘ghost'. The advertiser was successful by using the word, ‘ghost'; this is because a dark imagery is created by this. The audience can easily interpret ‘ghost' as it is there to put a dark atmosphere in our heads. This advertisement can be adapted to a different target audience to women who are in their mid-thirties. The women would wear a suit and to show she's a businessman which then shows control. Her breasts would only be concealed a bit to show maturity but still keep the seductiveness on a level. I would keep the colour purple because its do with passion. I would keep the models mouth slightly open to show a lust for sex still in there. I would keep the moon shaped perfume the same as it creates a dark atmosphere. In conclusion I think the advertiser has done very well to get his ideas out to the audience and this can be proven by various reasons. The advertiser has used dark colours all over the advert and used a moon as a shape for the perfume bottle. He also used different words to give the audience a dark image and these words make them want to buy this fragrance. The advertiser uses the model to create a sexy image in the advert and this is done by short tops and her mouth being open slightly.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The And Formation Of Chemical Substances - 2697 Words

Metabolism Definition: The break down and formation of chemical substances in the body that is needed for energy, for formation and breakdown of tissues and cells, and to maintain homeostasis of the body. Concept Key Terms: †¢ Adrenal: endocrine glands that are located on top of the kidneys and are responsible for several hormones like aldosterone, corticosteroids, †¢ Aldosterone: hormone secreted from the adrenal gland to signal the kidneys to retain sodium from the excretion †¢ Autocrine: a hormone that is released and acts on the cells that released it †¢ Calcitonin: hormone release by the thyroid to help with calcium absorption to lower blood calcium and phosphates †¢ Chvostek sign: a test for hypocalcemia where you tap on the patient’s†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Glucagon: hormone responsible for keeping blood glucose levels normal by stimulating the gluconeogenesis or glucogenolysis †¢ Glucocorticoid: hormone produced in the cortex of adrenal glands †¢ Glycogen: the stored form of glucose in the liver †¢ Gluconeogenesis: the process in the liver where glucose is made from substances other than carbohydrates which can be released into the blood or stored as glycogen †¢ Growth hormone: hormone made and released from the anterior pituitary gland and acts on several targets that stimulates growth and regulates metabolism †¢ Hormone: a chemical substance that is released by an organ or gland to act on another organ or gland or itself to stimulate or inhibit a response. †¢ Humoral: refers to chemicals that are found in the blood or body fluids that can aid in immunity or create or inhibit a response †¢ Insulin: hormone made in the pancreas that is necessary for glucose to get into each cell in the body †¢ Mineralocorticoid: steroid made by the adrenal gland †¢ Osmolarity: the concentration of sodium, potassium, urea, and glucose in plasma expressed as mmol/L †¢ Osmolality: the concentration of sodium, potassium, glucose, and urea in plasma expressed as mmol/kg †¢ Paracrine: gland that releases a hormone that acts on cells within the gland the gland †¢ Parathyroid: a gland on the dorsal side of the thyroid gland that is