Saturday, August 31, 2019

An Outline and Evaluation of Moral Development Through

An Outline and Evaluation of Moral Development through Piagets Theory and the Social Learning Theory Piaget (1932) developed a major theory based on children’s cognitive methodology when approaching particular moral situations; using the game of marbles and moral stories/dilemmas to evaluate the moral development a child. In his evaluation he categorised children into three stages of moral development i. e. pre-moral (0-5yrs), Moral Realism (5-8/9yrs), Moral Relativism (+9yrs).Concluding that children under five didn’t consider moral reasoning Piaget concentrated on the two latter stages. Piaget believed these stages are innate, they occur naturally; only through cognitive development will a child begin to move from moral realism to moral relativism. Moral realism is when a child has a heteronomous moral perspective with unilateral respect showing unconditional obedience to adults. They are egocentric and their moral judgement is based on consequences and intentions are not considered, with punishment being expiatory and usually unjustifiably severe.When a child reaches the stage of moral relativism, they have an autonomous moral viewpoint, they understand mutual respect and that rules are made through social agreement. They are able to recognise that there is a grey area between right and wrong and their moral decisions are based on intentions rather than consequences. Punishment is reciprocal i. e. shows balance between severity of the crime and the punishment received. He noted the importance of a child’s social environment and their interaction without an authority figure e. . in the school playground, here they learn to negotiate conflict and will start to understand resolution/compromise. According to Wright (1971) Piaget’s theory is supposed to show how a child’s practical moral development occurs but the evidence in fact was based on theoretical morality. Piaget linked this through the concept of conscious realization e. g. children can talk using the correct grammar long before they realize that there are rules that govern grammar.Implying that a child's practical morality shapes their theoretical morality; an adult’s moral influence won’t affect but will only help and guide a child’s theoretical morality catch up with their practical morality. Armsby (1971) suggests young children understand intention and show awareness to avoid damaging valued items, older children find it easier to differentiate the relation between intention and damage. Piaget’s stories confounds intentions and consequences, when approached separately Constanzo et al. 1973) confirmed that with adult disapproval six year olds judged on consequence regardless of intention but with adult approval they as with older children will consider intentions. Notably, social consequences are related to parental tendencies as children generally will have more experience in dealing with ill-intended acts. To sup port Piaget’s theory, Kruger (1992, cited in Gross, 1996) tested conflict resolution amongst children with and without an authoritarian figures involvement by giving them two moral dilemmas and questioning them afterwards.The children who had been paired with an adult had less real insight, lacking moral reasoning because they had given way to the adults understanding. When questioned afterwards, they had a less sophisticated stance-point than the children who had been paired together, showing the advantages attributable to egalitarian active discussion. As Piaget’s investigations were only based on a small amount of subjects, whereas Jose Linaza (1984) interviewed several hundred children in relation to a number of games; participants were from England and Spain, both boys and girls.He re-affirmed Piaget’s findings but found that depending on the games complexity this determined what age certain stages become more apparent, another notable finding was there was no difference between the English and the Spanish children. Turiel (1998) critic’s Piagets methods regarding the moral dilemma questions used as a child would find it difficult to be morally judgemental because of the drastic difference in consequence. i. e. fifteen cups versus one cup, thus tempting the child to ignore intention.Rule et el. (1974) shows that young children understand the difference in intention, particularly dependant on whether the act is pro-social or hostile i. e. if an aggressive act is in defence of another or not. Bandura, McDonald. (1963) doubted Piaget’s theory; in particular the concept of stages by explaining moral judgement through social learning theory, generally children imitated the models behaviour even if their reasoning differed.As social learning theory involves the key factors attention, retention, reproduction and motivation and children are said to be able to imitate others behaviour through observational learning, since moral b ehaviour can be observed and imitated there will be a definite link between SLT and moral development. Bandura et al(1961, cited in Haralambos & Rice, 2002) Bobo Dolls studies on SLT were criticised due to the artificial conditions i. e. he subjects were not geographically selected at random thus pre conditioning could have influenced results and because of the nature of the Bobo Dolls (they sprung back when struck) the children could then have perceived the aggression the models showed towards the dolls as a game. Therefore, the need to have an understanding for the aggression was lacking and since the children observed no vicarious punishment (verbal or physical) they would have no need to make a judgement, they didn’t have any reason to dissuade them from performing the behaviour.Interestingly, Langer (1975) replicating Banduras experiment concluded that his techniques confused the children. After viewing the model half of the children’s moral judgements remained th e same and when they did change their explanations didn’t. When a child is trying to form identification they will associate with and imitate/model themselves on other people’s behaviour/mannerisms. Though this is not confined necessarily and exclusively to parents as other family members, siblings in particular together with peers will play a significant part in a child’s behaviour.A child may imitate a complete stranger’s behaviour especially if vicarious reinforcement is shown as the child then has the motivation to imitate this particular behaviour. Children may imitate behaviour without the insight to make a moral judgement. Notably, Hoffman’s research observed that age dependant children are more likely to imitate a role models deviant behaviour rather than the models compliant behaviour, this emphasises a lack of moral development. (1970, cited in Bukatko & Daehler, 1998) Grusec et. l (1978) focused on whether or not a child would imitate a models good behaviour (donating/giving) with or without verbal instruction. What is shown in her results was that through observing, the majority of children, even without verbal instruction imitated the models behaviour. Nelson (1980) found that children as young as the age of three are able to make intentional based decisions regardless of consequence as long as information on intentions is made clear. Observational learning and principles of reinforcement can not adequately explain all aspects of moral development as a child’s cognitive processes are not fully explored.As explained by Turiel (1983) in this study, children who receive punishment too late for non-compliant behaviour seems to show a leniency towards deviant behaviour, the late timing mentioned only seems to confuse the children, once again showing a lack of understanding/judgement. Insightfully, the above-mentioned studies on moral development confirm clearly that children even from a very young age imitate o ther people’s behaviour and whether they understand the intentions or consequences of any particular behaviour is questionable especially at a young age.The concept of conscious realisation is a cognitive process which would only develop depending on the moral influences of a child’s socialization, emotional attachments, level of education and life experience. Bibliography Armsby, R. (1971) A re-examination of the development of moral judgements in children. Child Development, 42, 1242-1248 Bandura, A. & McDonald, F. J. (1963). Influence of social reinforcement and the behavior of models in shaping children's moral judgments. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67(3),  274-281. Bukatko, D. & Daehler, M. W. (1998).Child Development: A Thematic Approach. New York; Houghton Mifflin. p. 410. Costanzo, P. , Coie, J. , Grumet, J. , & Farnill, D. (1973). A re-examination of the effects of intent and consequence on children's moral judgements. Child Development, 44(1) , 154-161. Gross, R. (1996) Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behaviour. London: Houghton & Stoughton. p. 696. Grusec, J. E. , Kuczynski, L. , Rushton, J. P. , & Simutis, Z. M. (1978). Modelling, direct instruction, and attributions: Effects on altruism. Developmental Psychology, 14, 51–57. Haralambos, M. A. & Rice, D. (ed) (2002).Psychology in Focus, Ormskirk; Causeway Press. p. 316-317. Langer, J. (1975). Disequilibrium as a source of development. In P. Mussen, J. Langer, & M. Covington (Eds. ), Trends and issues in developmental psychology (pp. 22-37). New York: Holt, Rinehart, & Winston. Linaza, J. (1984). Piaget’s marbles: the study children’s games and their knowledge of rules. Oxford Review of Education, 10, 271-4. Nelson, S. A. (1980). Factors influencing young children's use of motives and outcomes as moral criteria. Child Development, 51, 823-829. Piaget, J. (1952), Moral Judgement of a Child, London : Routledge and K.Paul Rule, B. G. , Nesdale, A. R . , McAra, J. R. (1974) Children’s Reaction to the Information about the Intentions Underlying an Aggressive Act: Child Development, 45(3) pp 794-798 Turiel, E. (1983)  The Development of Social Knowledge: Morality and Convention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Turiel, E. (1998) Moral development, in: W. Damon (Ed. ),  Handbook of Child Psychology, 5th Edition, Volume 3: N. Eisenberg (Ed. ), Social, Emotional, and Personality Development, pp. 863-932 (New York: Wiley). Wright, D. (1971). The psychology of moral behavior. Middlesex, England: Penguin Books.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Positive effects of media

The media influences people in different ways, some positive and some negative. It is Important to realize although media can have a positive effect on society too much exposure to television, computers, or magazines can lead to unhealthy effects. The media gives people a way to connect with one another through news updates or even social networking. Most everyone wakes up in the morning grabs the newspaper, computer, or flips on the television to educate themselves on the worldly happenings of that day.According to Manali Oak author of â€Å"Positive Effects of the Media†, Research has revealed that media Is responsible for influencing a major part of our daily life. Media contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses. Medla can bring about a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the common man. The persuasive nature of the content presented over media influences the thoughts and behavior of the general public. Medla has a direct impact over the lifestyle of society. The media gives society a way to come together and educate us as a whole. With this education we are able to make crucial decisions toward elections, polls, or any other vent that affects everyone In our country. -Friends and Relations: Social networks started as a place to connect with your friends In an easy and convenient way. Truly speaking, many of you might have found your old pals from school or college who were out of touch due to one reason or other, well I would say I have and I thank social networks for this.Social networks has provided us the opportunity to connect with people and bulld better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally, and let them know about our life and take Input about their lives and events happening with them. Reducing communication Barriers: With social networks we are able to communicate our thoughts and perceptions over different topics with a large number of audiences, and raise our voice. Th e sharing feature available on the social networks makes your opinion about any topic reach huge number of people (even to those who are not on your friends list).We have the option to make groups with people who are Ilke minded and share the related news 1 OF2 wltn tnem ana ask Tor tnelr oplnlon or Input aoout tne toplc. Slmply tnere are a number of options available for us to communicate with others on these social etworks. -Opportunities for Businesses: Social networks have become a crucial part of many of us. We don't even notice this but as soon as we open our desktops or laptops to access the web, we sub- consciously open our favorite social network Just to see about the updates received.Businesses have noticed the value of social networks in our life, and they are using different techniques to promote their products. There are a number of customized applications being made on the social platforms, whose main purpose is to promote the product or brand. As social marketing is c ost effective and brands have a huge udience, they are shifting more towards social marketing. Without the media, most people would know little of events beyond their immediate neighborhood. The further one goes outside of one's circle of friends and family, the more time-consuming and expensive it becomes to get information.Very few, if any, individuals have the resources to stay independently informed of world events. With the news, however, all one has to do is turn on a television or turn to the Internet. Even when it is biased or limited, it is a picture of what is happening around the world. The more sources one compares, the more accurate the picture that can be ut together. In addition to the media conglomerates, there are also a range of independent news outlets, though they have a much smaller audience.Some of these provide an alternative view of events and often strive to publish stories that cannot be found in the mainstream media. Technological advances in many industri alized (primarily Western) countries make it possible to read papers and watch broadcasts from around the globe. While language skills can be a barrier, it is possible to live in the United States and watch Arab-language broadcasts from the Middle East, or to get on the Internet and read scores of Chinese newspapers. Having access to these alternative voices limits the power of monopolies over information.Another important benefit of a functioning mass news media is that information can be relayed quickly in times of crisis. Tornado and hurricane announcement can give large populations advance warning and allow them to take precautions and move out of harm's way. In a country suffering war, a radio broadcast outlining where the latest fighting is can alert people to areas to avoid. In quieter times, the media can publish other useful announcements, from traffic reports to how to avoid getting HIV. It is a stabilizing and civilizing force. Positive Effects of Media The media influences people in different ways, some positive and some negative. It is important to realize although media can have a positive effect on society too much exposure to television, computers, or magazines can lead to unhealthy effects. The media gives people a way to connect with one another through news updates or even social networking. Most everyone wakes up in the morning grabs the newspaper, computer, or flips on the television to educate themselves on the worldly happenings of that day. According to Manali Oak author of â€Å"Positive Effects of the Media†,â€Å"Research has revealed that media is responsible for influencing a major part of our daily life. Media contribute to a transformation in the cultural and social values of the masses. Media can bring about a change in the attitudes and beliefs of the common man. The persuasive nature of the content presented over media influences the thoughts and behavior of the general public. Media has a direct impac t over the lifestyle of society.†The media gives society a way to come together and educate us as a whole. With this education we are able to make crucial decisions toward elections, polls, or any other event that affects everyone in our country.Friends and RelationsSocial networks started as a place to connect with your friends in an easy and convenient way. Truly speaking, many of you might have found your old pals from school or college who were out of touch due to one reason or other, well I would say I have and I thank social networks for this. Social networks has provided us the opportunity to connect with people and build better relationships with friends with whom we are unable to meet personally, and let them know about our life and take input about their lives and events happening with them.Reducing Communication BarriersWith social networks we are able to communicate our thoughts and perceptions  over different topics with a large number of audiences, and raise ou r voice. The sharing feature available on the social networks makes your opinion about any topic reach huge number of people (even to those who are not on your friends list). We have the option to make groups with people who are like minded and share the related news with them and ask for their opinion or input about the topic. Simply there are a number of options available for us to communicate with others on these social networks.Opportunities for BusinessesSocial networks have become a crucial part of many of us. We don’t even notice this but as soon as we open our desktops or laptops to access the web, we sub-consciously open our favorite social network just to see about the updates received. Businesses have noticed the value of social networks in our life, and they are using different techniques to promote their products. There are a number of customized applications being made on the social platforms, whose main purpose is to promote the product or brand. As social mark eting is cost effective and brands have a huge audience, they are shifting more towards social marketing.Without the media, most people would know little of events beyond their immediate neighborhood. The further one goes outside of one's circle of friends and family, the more time-consuming and expensive it becomes to get information. Very few, if any, individuals have the resources to stay independently informed of world events. With the news, however, all one has to do is turn on a television or turn to the Internet. Even when it is biased or limited, it is a picture of what is happening around the world. The more sources one compares, the more accurate the picture that can be put together.In addition to the media conglomerates, there are also a range of independent news outlets, though they have a much smaller audience. Some of these provide an alternative view of events and often strive to publish stories that cannot be found in the mainstream media. Technological advances in m any industrialized (primarily Western) countries make it possible to read papers and watch broadcasts from around the globe. While language skills can be a barrier, it is possible to live in the United States and  watch Arab-language broadcasts from the Middle East, or to get on the Internet and read scores of Chinese newspapers. Having access to these alternative voices limits the power of monopolies over information.Another important benefit of a functioning mass news media is that information can be relayed quickly in times of crisis. Tornado and hurricane announcement can give large populations advance warning and allow them to take precautions and move out of harm's way. In a country suffering war, a radio broadcast outlining where the latest fighting is can alert people to areas to avoid. In quieter times, the media can publish other useful announcements, from traffic reports to how to avoid getting HIV. It is a stabilizing and civilizing force.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Censorship and Classification in Australia - Free Samples to Students

Australia ranks 19 th in the world censorship ranking ( 2018). This reveals the fact that the Australian media tends to censor a lesser amount of media that is circulated within the country. The public media of the country is very strong and is majorly managed by the two main media groups, Fairfax Media and the News Corporation ( 2018). The Australian government tends to allow more freedom to the press. China ranks 176 th in the world censorship ranking and does not allow much freedom to the press media ( 2018). The Chinese government tend to pose a huge number of threats to the freedom of the press media and tends to put a huge amount of restriction on the various news that might get published in the press media. The journalism in China tends to be regulated by the government on the basis of the various regulations that deal with the state secrets and thus tend to be harmful for the future of the country. China is one of those countries that implement very strict censorship rules ( 2018). The following essay deals with the comparative study of the media censorship in the countries of Australia and China with a major focus on the various arts, music and the magazines that are censored in the countries. Both the countries, Australia and China, tend to censor the pieces of art that might be referred to as holding the content that might go against the standards that are set by the rules of the country. The countries seem to censor the materials on the basis of the age of the residents who have been viewing the same. The concerned authorities tend to ban the exclusive and the dark materials that might be depicted in any art form. The censored materials in both the countries might include the forms of the art that might depict sexually explicit content as well as the content that might display extreme violence. The Chinese censorship laws tend to be stricter than the censorship laws that are practised in Australia. The Chinese government tends to implement the various censorship laws on the circulation of the art forms within the country. The Chinese government tends to put ban on any art form that might prove to be a threat to the national integrity of the country. The bans imposed by the Australian government are mainly observed in the instances wherein the content displays the use of violent and explicit content. In case of the Chinese government, however, the censorship is done on the basis of the threat posed and thus might include all types of the art forms that are imported from the various foreign lands all over the world. The countries Australia and China impose censorship on the various music albums and other musical productions in cases wherein the content of the music tends to be explicit for circulation among the residents of the country. The Australian censorship board like its Chinese counterpart exercises a ban on the music under the conditions wherein the content of the music might be in strict disagreement with the laws of the country and the sentiments of the residents ( 2018). The musical pieces might be banned by the countries if they do not comply with the terms in the laws of the country or might prove to be demeaning for a certain section of the residents of the country. The Chinese censorship laws for the musical items in circulation among the residents of the country tend to be stricter than those that are implemented by their Australian counterparts. The Chinese government is known to have imposed a ban on the musical pieces that tend to portray a criticism of the concerned government. The Chinese government, unlike the Australian government, tends to put a censorship on the circulation of the musical compositions that point at the political affairs of the state. The Chinese government is also reported to have put a partial censorship on the musical album X by the Australian singer Kylie Minogue and to have permitted the release of the album un the country only after three songs were removed from the concerned album (Osnos 2018). There are found similarities among the censorships that are implemented by both the Australian and the Chinese governments in the matters pertaining to the censorship of the various internet sources. The countries enforce a ban on the various websites that display any kind of unwanted content or the content that is not suitable for viewing by the children. The censored websites might include those that might put forth gruesome, violent and explicit content. The Chinese Government unlike their Australian counterparts have deemed certain websites to be potentially dangerous for the members of the country. The various websites are Facebook, Wikipedia, Twitter, some of the services by Google and YouTube. The Chinese government tends to put either a permanent ban or a temporary one on these websites during the various critical conditions that might occur within the country ( 2018). The Australian Government however does not instill huge controls over the social media handles that exist within the country. The citizens enjoy their freedom of expression over the various social media handles and even use the same to bring a certain occurrence to the limelight ( 2018). In lieu of the above discussion, it might be stated that there are major dissimilarities between the censorship that is used by the concerned governmental bodies that have been operational in the countries. The censorship laws that are practiced by the governments of Australia and China tend to vary from each other in all the areas that are included in the media. The censorship in case of the media on the internet is a practice that is observed to be followed by all the countries in the world and is thus considered to be a usual occurrence in the countries of Australia and China, the two countries that have been considered in the above composition. It might be safely concluded that though both the countries exercise the media censorship laws, the laws that are implemented by China are stricter than those implemented by Australia. 2018.  Censorship and Classification in Australia – Parliament of Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018]. 2018.  Media Censorship in China. [online] Council on Foreign Relations. Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018]. 2018.  Freedom of the Press 2017 | Freedom House. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018]. 2018.  Freedom of Expression - Music in Australia - Knowledge Base. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Mar. 2018]. Osnos, E. 2018.  Opinion | China’s Censored World. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Mar. 2018]. 2018.  Australia : Surveillance threat | Reporters without borders. [online] RSF. Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018]. 2018.  China : World’s leading prison for citizen journalists | Reporters without borders. [online] RSF. Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018]. 2018.  The world's most censored countries. [online] The Guardian. Available at: [Accessed 6 Mar. 2018].

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

To what extent does the Wal-Mart motivation mode inspire employees Dissertation

To what extent does the Wal-Mart motivation mode inspire employees - Dissertation Example Aims and objectives of the project Employers find it difficult to encourage its staffs in order to get their maximum commitment at the workplace. Often, employers are seen to overlook the need for motivating employees while the focus remains more on the company’s bottom line. Recently, it has been increasingly realized that the happier is the workforce, the more satisfied is the customer and consequently the healthier is the company’s bottom line. The project seeks to bring forth the policies and strategies undertaken by Wal-Mart for motivating its employees. The aim is to find the extent to which the modes of motivation undertaken in Wal-Mart have been successful in generating a motivated workforce. The objectives of the project is To analyse the different human resource strategies and policies undertaken in Wal-Mart to encourage employees to perform their best in the organization; To identify the HR strategies actually bring about any enhancement or improvement in emp loyee satisfaction and commitment; To identify the drawbacks or loopholes in the present motivating modes based on which improvements can be made (Holbeche & Mayo, 1998, p.5). B. Company Background-Wal-Mart Wal-Mart is a multinational retailer corporation based in America running chains of large warehouse stores and discount departmental stores across the world. It accounts for the eighteenth largest public corporations in the world in terms of revenue. Also accounting for one of the largest private employers in the world, Wal-Mart continues to remain a family owned business, owned and controlled by the Walton family who owns 48% of the stake of the company. Due to the large employee base of the company recruited from different parts of the globe, Wal-Mart has a highly advanced and effective human resource management system. The company has been widening its employee base consistently right from the time of its inception. Since 1980, the company showed very fast growth and by 1987, it has successfully established as many as 1,198 stores, has a workforce of 20,000 employees and sales revenue of $15.9 billion. In order to cater to the widely diverse customer base, the company employs sophisticated and advanced human resource management techniques and strategies in order to ensure the welfare of its workforce, keep them motivated and attain their maximum participation at the workplace (Walmart, 2012). C. Structure of the project The report presents the extent to which Wal-Mart’s present human resource management strategies have been successful in motivating its employees to deliver the desired level of performance in the organization. Firstly it begins with stating the aims and objectives of the research. This is followed by a brief description of the company, its establishment and present conditions in the market. The next part of the report discussed the various motivation theories as brought forth by authors. This section also discusses the views and su ggestions of researchers and practitioners with regards to the application of motivation theories at the workplace. In this context, some of the main theories of motivation are chosen, such as the Content theory and the Process theory. After the theoretical discussion, the present human resource strategies of Wal-Mart are discussed, with reference to its reward system, promotion system and internal culture of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Legal and Ethical Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legal and Ethical Issues - Essay Example Therefore, social and medical workers direct all their efforts on decreasing level of smoking among elderly people (Gardner, 2002). In the UK only 1 in 10 general healthcare staff disagreed with a smoking ban in health-care centres for elder people (Gardner, 2002). It means that the great interest of medical staff is focused on the decrease of the level of smokers in health care centres (Gardner, 2002). Some elderly people have a long-term â€Å"habit† of smoking. Thus once an old person loses a beloved spouse, he may start smoking again even if he gave it up earlier. Smoking can destroy the health of smokers and non-smokers around them. The latter breathe in cigarette smoke. Mass media has propagated a tolerant attitude to smoking for a long time being driven by commercial triggers (Chiva&Stears, 2001). The issue is even more complicated if it refers to elderly smokers in a care setting. Some elderly people suffer from numerous diseases and it is relevant to inform them about health hazards caused by smoking. It is quite clear that smoking is a trigger of cancer, lung diseases and many other illnesses (Chiva&Stears, 2001). Thus, it is relevant to find a solution to this problem from legal and ethical perspectives. Ethical issues There are four basic ethical principles: respect for person, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice. Elderly people who undergo treatment in health care settings should be treated in accordance with these ethical principles. For example, a principle of respect for person is reflected if smokers are aware of the fact that their smoking violates health protection of people around them. On the other hand, freedoms of smokers should not be violated (a principle of autonomy works here); public intrusion of non-smoking policy into personal choices of smokers etc. These issues can be complicated by many other considerations: elderly people have a long-term â€Å"habit† of smoking. Therefore older people endanger thei r relatives or people around them and expose people in a care setting to second-hand smoke. A controversial ethical dilemma occurs: whether to ban or not to ban smoking to old person? It is a violation of smoker’s freedom, is not it? First of all, a smoker is a citizen. He should not feel that their freedoms are restricted. Smoking is not an illegal practice. Of course, there is no doubt that good of the public should not be sacrificed in the name of a smoker’s satisfaction. Legal issues If to consider smoking from the perspective of smoking as a personal choice of a smoker, then smoking ban should be considered from legal and ethical perspectives. In accordance with the American Medical Association Code, â€Å"Health professionals are under obligation to put the patients first, regardless of economic status or physical condition. Each profession within the health care field has adopted its own code of conduct† (Gardner, 2002).. With regard to an elder patient o f health care setting in case he cannot make decisions himself, it is relevant to take control over his mental capacity. In case, â€Å"a decision should be made for them, that decision must be made in that person’s best interests. You must also consider whether there is another way of making the decision which might not affect the person’s rights and freedom of action  as much (known as  the â€Å"least restrictive alternative principle†

Monday, August 26, 2019

Production Possibility Frontier Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Production Possibility Frontier - Essay Example As indicated on the chart above, points A, B, and C represent the points at which production of Good A and Good B is most efficient. Point X demonstrates the point at which resources are not being used efficiently in the production of both goods, and point Y demonstrates an output that is not attainable with the given inputs (Investopedia, 2000) Production Possibility Frontier assumes that all possibilities are fixed, however over time it may shift in or out depending on the economic situation. Economic growth pertaining to discovery of new resources, improvement of technology, and capital accumulation results to outward shift. On the other hand, inward shift may occur when there is a decrease in supplies and production possibility or deficient technology and resources. Inward shift indicates that the economy is shrinking. In that sense, any burden in the economy such as unemployment, destruction of capital goods, and disturbance in people's lives may lead to such shift. For example, the 1973 oil crisis shocked the Japanese economy which was heavily depended on oil, thereby shifting Japan's PPF inward (Post war). Post war has caused great deal of damage, human and physical capital wise, of which had decreased the production possibility. A PPF is normally drawn as concave to the origin because the extra output resulting from allocating more resources to one particular good

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Paraphrasing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 36

Paraphrasing - Essay Example The version of the poem that was created first was heavily worded and very emotional, the second version expressed emotions in limited number of words. In the first version the poet quite clearly defines his mother and her piano and then talks about the singing female. On the other hand, in the second version, the poet only talks about the female singing and reduces the mentioning of his mother. The difference between the two versions is that in the first version the poet explicitly talks of both his mother and the singing women and in the second version he only focuses on the singing lady which talks about his mother in a metaphorical manner (L, 1). The second version is better than the first one because it allows the reader to explore and identify that the poet is referring to his mother. The second version lacks unnecessary details about the mother and a simple line used by the poet in which he states that a mother is smiling at her child while she is singing is enough to identify that the author is talking about his own mother (L, 4). Another issue with the second version is the amount of unnecessary descriptive words used by t he author such as winning and living (L, 9). The first version is full of sentimental words that the author uses to depict his feelings and association with his mother. The second version lacks these unnecessary details and the second version comprises of few descriptions that allow the reader to explore. For example the poet talks about spending time at home during evening time on a Sunday (L, 7). This allows the readers to connect their own Sunday evenings with the evenings of the poet. Similar style of writing has been used by the poet to conclude the second version of the poem. For example the author states that he cries when he thinks of the past (L, 12). This again allows the readers to connect with the feelings of the poet as they even feel

Capitalism and Socialism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Capitalism and Socialism - Essay Example The table below pinpoints the differences between the forms of capitalism based on the institutional characteristics; An example of a ‘humane’ capitalist country is Germany. Such capitalist countries get referred to as ‘humane’ due to the characteristic of their institutional set up. As much as their capitalist economies get based on profit making, accumulation, and direct competition; these economies value their human population through their institutional set up (Soskice & Hall 65). ‘Humane’ capitalist economy setup aims at attaining equitable income distribution for each individual in the economy. They try to create a sustainable and equitable economic environment for every player to make their contributions through their policies. ‘Humane’ capitalist economies gear their policies towards efficient service delivery for the people. An example of a ‘brutal’ capitalist economy is the United States. Such countries get considered as ‘brutal’ as they advocate for direct competition among its economy players. This competition leaves a percentage of the population vulnerable to poverty (Soskice & Hall 123). ‘Brutal’ capitalism represents a man eat man society where the more an individual has, the more the individual is likely to accumulate more and take part in the economy. ‘Brutal’ capitalist countries are more likely to place profits over the people. A ‘humane’ and ‘brutal’ capitalism cannot exist together. This is so because if they do, then it would revert to the general capitalist economy which contains strains of both forms of capitalism (Soskice & Hall 133). These forms of capitalism cannot compete directly but rather, indirectly. Einstein argues for a socialist future over capitalism. This is so as Einstein believed that a socialist future would help cure the evils of capitalism. He suggests that there be a socialist economy

Saturday, August 24, 2019

District Budgetary Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

District Budgetary Overview - Essay Example The schools in the district would require prepare a budget for the period of July, 1 to June, 30 and submit the same for sanction of the governing body by July, 15. The three generally accepted accounting practices include the incremental budgeting, the zero based budgeting and the planning, programming, budgeting system. The incremental budgeting is done the district school where they adjust the budget of the previous year to that of the next year (Hosted, 2012). The zero based budgeting includes starting he budgeting at the beginning of the year. The planning, programming and the budgeting system includes the cost on a per pupil basis. Due to this accounting practice, the fluctuation of the budget is eliminated due to change of demographics. The superintendent and school board responsibilities for building a budget The responsibility of the superintendent and the school board is crucial for building the budget. The responsibilities range from forecasting the enrolment for the next year as compared to the current years, take feedbacks from the supporting staffs and confirm the final budget. The actual enrolment figures are tallied against the projected figures to produce an error free budget. The feedback from the operational staffs is taken to make necessary adjustment for meet the unplanned expenses. The final budget is prepared and presented to the school board for approval. The school board cross checks the evaluations and finally approves the budget for implementation. Key budget terminology The budget is a plan for the financial year in order to meet the expected expenses from the anticipated revenues. The key budget terminologies range from the accounting terminologies to financial terms and accountability of the governing body. Specific terminologies like revenues, expenses, accountability, cash flow, control, fiscal, forecast, supporting schedule are important. The budgetary revenues are the anticipated sources of income for the school and the budgeta ry expenses are the anticipated usage of funds of the school. The cash flow is budgeted and is based on the difference between the budgetary revenues and the budgetary expenses. The budgetary expenses are prepared for a fiscal of one year based on the forecast of the events anticipated in future. A supporting schedule of revenues and expenses are attached in the budget in order to indicate the time line of the cash flows. How the funds in the budget are balanced and coordinated The funds in the budget mainly comprise of government funds and fiduciary funds used for the development of the district schools and its operations. The government funds are allocated as per the specification of the government. The fiduciary funds are the funds available from sources other than the government. The funds are balanced and co-ordinate through budgetary control. The budgetary control is implemented with the help of periodic reports. The reports help to understand the gap between the actual expens es and the budgeted expenses. Thus monitoring and control of budgetary expenses help to balance and co-ordinate the funds (Warren,  Reeve and  Duchac, 2008). The budget monitoring and control is a significant aspect for controlling the expenses against the budgeted figures and provide the direction to achieve the target budgeted plan. The district's budget timeline The timeline for the budget the district is for a period of one fiscal year.

Friday, August 23, 2019

News Paper Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

News Paper Summary - Essay Example The article focuses on the rising stocks in China. The stocks are attracting investors because of the cheap markets and its big economy. Shanghai’s composite index rose to the highest in the sixth consecutive day. The rise is the highest in the past nine months. The index brings it to close ranks with Hong Kong. The stocks, however, experienced dull performance most times of the year. The property market also struggled through the first half of the year. The government and banks have unveiled plans that are spurring optimism on the economy. Its currency has hit a three month high in this week only. The article is about how the New York’s bank regulator plans to install monitors at the US offices of Deutsche and Barclays banks. The plans are in accordance with plans to intensify investigations on possible foreign-exchange market manipulation. The state’s financial department has already notified the banks’ lawyers about the move. The two banks have been selected for extra scrutiny because their records compared to others hint to potential problems. Both banks have accepted to cooperate with investigators and take action on individuals found guilty. The banks have previously been engaged in other different financial wrangles with the state. They have also previously suspended and fired many senior executives and staff because of criminal and civil foreign-exchange probes. The article focuses on the rough and tough times celebrities are having with their prepaid-business cards. Celebrities such as Kardashians and Magic Johnson have closed their business card ventures. Lil Wayne has also stooped further applications. The cards help people who intend to avoid bank accounts and related fees. The cards are acceptable in business transactions where other debit and credit cards are acceptable. The celebrities face market competition from banks and other big

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Female characters Essay Example for Free

Female characters Essay The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini is a novel published in 2003 which tells the story of Amir, a young Afghan boy with a traumatic past, a guilty conscience, a war-stricken homeland and a broken future. The Kite Runner explores many different issues throughout the novel; one such issue is the representation of females. Females can be seen as â€Å"material goods†, and are often shown as marginalized, weak, demeaned, and subject to many double standards in todays society, and throughout earlier history. The Kite Runner shows the idea of female representation through the development and construction of make and female characters, combined with the setting and culture in the novel. The idea of marginalized female representation is also shown in other texts such as A Lot to Learn, and Hamlet, all of which used character construction to portray these ideas. The Kite Runner portrays the idea of females as being marginalized in many different cases. There are only two females that have any backstory or focus in the book The Kite RunnerAmir’s wife Soraya, and Soraya’s mother. Hassan’s wife is also mentioned briefly. The fact that women are not focused on, and barely mentioned in the novel also show that in Afghan culture, women do not play a large role, they simply blend into the background and do as they are told. Hassan’s wife, Farzana, is described as a ‘shy woman’, ‘courteous’, and spoke in a voice just ‘barely higher than a whisper’. It seems that she cooks, cleans, and does most of the basic housework. The fact that she is so shy, polite, and quiet shows how women have been brought up in this culture. Farzana has been brought up to obey men, and to speak only when spoken to, to be polite and courteous, and to always be virtuous. The only time Farzana stood up for herself, and her family, was when Hassan was shot by the Taliban. She ‘came screaming and attacked them’ and the Taliban promptly shot her. The fact that the men could so easily and quickly shoot a woman, who was simply defending her house and family, shows again the way that women may be seen as almost worthless in the Afghan society. Soraya Taheri, Amir’s wife, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of Farzana. When we first meet Soraya, she is described as a ‘slim-hipped beauty’, ‘decent’, ‘hardworking and kind’, with a ‘princess-like’ beauty to her, and she speaks with confidence, which is unlike all of the other Afghan women described in the story. Soraya has a past that she, and everyone around her, is ashamed of. After arriving in America, Soraya saw the care-free environment, the way that women were accepted, and Soraya realized that maybe she herself could have independence too. Soraya ran away to Virginia at the age of 18; she was ‘rebellious’, she felt that she should be allowed to be independent. When she returns to her family and moves to California, the rumours spread like wildfire. All of the Afghanis here about Soraya’s shameful act, and everywhere she goes, whispers follow her. No suitable suitors appear at her doorstep, and no one forgets her ‘mistake’. ‘Its so fucking unfair’, she says, and it really is. A double standard in this society, where the men can do whatever they please and ‘no one does a god damn thing’, and when a woman does something of the same nature, they are shunned. There is a small amount of talk about Baba’s wife, who died giving birth to Amir. The Afghan community claimed that Baba would never be able to marry a woman like her; she was virtuous, clever, studying at university, and to to pit all off, she was of royal blood. Baba finally does marry this woman though, and refers to her as his ‘princess’. The way that this marriage is described accentuates the idea that men want women the way they would want material goods. The marriages are described almost as if the men are simply picking an object, and showing said object off to the world. Gertrude is seen as unequal to the the almost all-male cast. Gertrude is a female character from Shakespeare’s famous play Hamlet. The play is set in Denmark, early 14th century, and tells the story of a young prince, Hamlet, who gets a visit from his dead father’s ghost, and realizes that not all is right in the state of Denmark. Gertrude is Hamlet’s mother, and the queen of Denmark. After the death of her husband King Hamlet, Gertrude quickly remarries to the King’s brother Claudius. Hamlet depicts this sudden remarriage as betrayal, unfaithfulness, and the breaking of ‘sacred vows’. He feels disgusted that his mother would grieve so little, and move on so fast, and hatred for his mother beings to grow. The play Hamlet has been created so that we, as readers, see Hamlet’s point of view, but we do not see the way that the other characters think. I believe that this sudden remarriage was not simply because Gertrude was seduced, but because Gertrude could not hold her position of â€Å"power† without a male by her side. If we had Gertrude’s side of the story, I think we would realize that there were other motives to Gertrude’s marriage to Claudius. Gertrude could not run the state of Denmark, or even the castle, without a man in power with her; in the time Hamlet was set in, women were often demeaned, and were never seen as equals. To keep the state functioning as a whole, Gertrude realized she would need a new king to rule. Gertrude also may have realized how easy it would be for another man to take advantage; if they controlled Gertrude, they could control the state. Her marriage to Claudius at least guaranteed that the state was run by someone she trusted and could see as a ruler. None of these ideas were explicitly stated, because Gertrude was never really given a chance to defend herself and her actions, due to Hamlet being the focus of the story. ‘Frailty, thy name is woman’, Hamlet says, referring to poor Gertrude. He refers to the way that Gertrude was moulded so quickly to another’s will, the way her confidence faltered so soon, and how weak Gertrude really was. Hamlet is a character that has no respect for women. He holds a grudge against his mother, and as the play progresses, these dark feelings that he feels towards his mother grow stronger. Hamlet starts to feel so strongly to his mother ‘betraying’ him, that he starts to apply this idea to all women, even weak Ophelia. He seems to be under the impression that, though women are frail, weak, and delicate, all women deceive and take part in treachery. He does love Ophelia, but in the end, he feels that Ophelia would betray him, as all women do. He is applying a stereotype to all women, saying that they are will of weak and physical being, and treacherous at heart. Ophelia is also doted on quite a lot by her father and brother. Both men lecture Ophelia about staying virtuous, warning her not to ‘lose her heart’, but this is, again, a double standard. Laertes especially is being quite the hypocrite, since he, as a young man, would have been messing around with many young girls, and not had it held against him since it was socially accepted for men. Polonius also lectures Ophelia to keep her chastity, and talks to her as one would talk to a young child. He depicts Ophelia as being weak, innocent, nothing more than a child, and often gloats to the King Claudius about how ‘dutiful’ and ‘obedient’ Ophelia is as a daughter, as if she has no will of her own. He seems to be demeaning her, without even consciously meaning to, and Ophelia takes no offense to it; in that day and age, girls were simply brought up to accept it. ‘The object Ophelia’, Hamlet refers to Ophelia at one point. He says this the way he would say ‘the object of his affections’. He seems to be referring, yet again, to material goods, to objects, as if Ophelia is simply another prize he can add to his trophy cabinet. He also uses a great deal of sexual innuendos when around Ophelia, but neither Ophelia or any other members of the court find it offensive or out of context. He lays his head upon her lap and whispers comments that are obviously making her uncomfortable, but Ophelia never objects, simply because it was normal for women to be taken advantage of. Just like Ophelia being referred to as an object, the short story A Lot to Learn depicts an innocent girl as yet another material good. A Lot to Learn is a story about Ned Quinn, a scientist that has created the Materializer, a large machine that can create anything at the push of a button. The story tells the tale of Ned experimenting with the machine, and wishing for a girl. Before Ned mutters the word ‘girl’, he wishes for ‘money’, then a ‘martini’, then ‘beer’. These are two stereotypical goods that a person would probably wish for if he could have anything; money and alcohol. When Ned wishes for this girl, after wishing for two in-demand material goods, he seems to be sending a subtle message that perhaps he sees women as nothing more than objects of desire, yet another material good instead of a sentient being. If his experiment was a success, Ned would most likely hold on to this girl the way one would hold onto a trophy; a record of his achievements, simply for memories sake. The idea of being nothing more than an object is terribly demeaning, and another show of dominance from males. Women are very subtly discriminated and marginalized in this short story. As well as the idea of the girl being simply an object, Ned seems to be under the impression that this girl would obey him. Before wishing for a girl, Ned did not stop to think that maybe the girl would scream, or run in terror, or struggle; he simply assumed that the girl that appeared would obey. This is a show of Ned believing that women are weak both physically and mentally. This shows an immediate message about dominance, the way that Ned believes that this girl would do exactly as he wished. He seemed to be under the impression that because he was a man, he is strong, powerful, and has a sense of dignity and respect, therefor meaning that the woman that he expected to appear would simply obey. Ned seems to be very confident in himself and his invention. Though he is nervous as he wishes for each new object, he seems to be under the impression that everything will turn out fine. Ned comes across a slight hitch, however, when he mutters the word ‘girl’. In our society today, the word ‘girl’ often refers to woman, not literally a girl or child. Its a misconception, just a word in our culture that has developed to mean something else from the original meaning. Ned obviously does not want the small, innocent child that appears in the machine, as he curses ‘Hell! ’. Referring to a woman as ‘girl’ is almost demeaning in a way. The fact that Ned wishes for a girl as well is slightly disturbing. Upon reading it, most people would immediately assume that Ned wants this girl for nefarious purposes, to fulfil a fantasy or something of that drift. This is another symbol of the female representation being marginalized, shoved aside as the weaker gender. All of these different characters from these three stories easily show the idea of females being marginalized and disenfranchised. Characters such as Ned Quinn, Hamlet, and General Sahib are constructed to be dominant over the female characters. The settings and culture, when combined with these strong male characters, show the many double-standards that exist between females and males, and also show the idea of females being represented as trophy objects.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Nursing interventions and preventative management in skeletal traction

Nursing interventions and preventative management in skeletal traction Discussion Output 1. List nursing interventions and preventative management related to skeletal traction. Skeletal traction is done is used for treatment for fractures, muscle spasms and immobility due septic joints. In taking care of a patient with skeletal traction assessing should always be done in order to prevent further complications. In assessing the patient, assess for signs edema, skin color, temperature, irritation, abnormal positioning, swelling, hemorrhage, muscle spasms, pain and discomfort, vital signs, fluid balance, urine output and most importantly the safety of the patient. Along with these are, providing emergency care is required (prevention of shock, respiratory care), providing care with the patients cast observing for the signs of circulatory impairment, providing care with the traction checking the weights if hanging freely, providing respiratory exercises to prevent any lung complications, encouraging increase fluid intake, and providing appropriate skin care to prevent pressure sores. 2. Discuss a component of cast care for the pediatric client or adult client. Identify manifestations of compartment syndrome. In taking care of patient with cast, always remember to keep the cast clean and dry. Always check and assess if the cast is attach appropriately, not to tight or loose. If the patient will take a bath, cover the cast with a plastic bag or wrap to prevent water on the cast. But having with cast, it is advisable to avoid showers and better yet use the bathtub and hand the part with cast outside the tub while bathing. Air and water are prevented to get under the cast for this may cause complications like skin breakdown if not prevented. Along with putting of cast, sweating cant be prevented to accumulate under the cast. If any strong odor comes from the cast, it is better to report immediately to the doctor to do the appropriate actions for this. In lieu to patients mobility, crutches are needed to help patient in walking, but be sure to help patient and remove any hazards that can harm patients safety. In terms of manifestations of compartment syndrome, severe pain that dont go away ev en medications are given is the hallmark manifestation of this. Also it comes along with decreased sensation, weakness, paleness of skin and numbness or paralysis. 3. Compare the nursing needs of a total hip replacement patient with those of a total knee replacement patient. Patients who had undergone total hip replacement and total knee replacement has common nursing needs along with these are: relieving the pain of the injured part, monitoring for the vital signs, wound drainage, swelling, edema, pain/discomfort, hemorrhage, and preventing infection. The main difference is that, for the total hip replacement patient, the nurse prevents the patient from having deep vein thrombosis, and dislocation of prosthesis, meaning the nursing needs of the patient are more on preventing infection and dislocation of the hips. In total knee replacement, the nursing care needed are to prevent patient from having peroneal nerve palsy, using the Continuous Passive Motion (CPM) for the physical therapy of the patient, meaning the nursing care needs of the total knee replacement are more on the physical therapy needs of the patient in order to gain better mobilization to the patient. 4. Discuss methods to avoid dislocation after hip replacement surgery. In preventing dislocation after hip replacement surgery the three main cardinal rules are dont cross your legs, dont bend your legs beyond 90 degress and dont turn affected foot inward or internally rote the hips. These cardinal signs should be followed for the first six weeks after the surgery. Crossing the legs can be cause of compromising blood circulation in the lower extremities. Dislocation will be possible if you cross leg and hip in affected part, but dislocation will not result if crossing leg on the strong leg over the operated part. Turning the operated leg inward can cause possible dislocation due to affected leg will turn internally rotate the hip that will cause the head to jump out of the socket. 5. You are caring for a patient who has had skeletal traction placed to treat a fractures femur. Discuss nursing interventions and assessment techniques related to this type of treatment. In caring patient with skeletal traction in treating fracture femur, assessing and monitoring the patient every now and then is very important to prevent any complications. Monitor for any signs of skin abnormalities edema, color, temperature, irritation, swelling, hemorrhage; muscle spasms, pain and discomfort, vital signs, fluid balance and the safety of the patient. Safety of the patient is really important in taking good care of this kind of patient, along with this thing providing emergency care is required to prevent shock and respiratory care. The cast of the past should also be observed for any signs of circulatory impairment. For the traction, check the weights if hanging freely. Encourage the patient to follow diet high protein, high vitamin, high calcium and to increase intake of fluids. Provide proper skin care to prevent any pressure sores and instruct client to any fracture-related issues that can help him/her to have knowledge upon his/her condition. 6. A patient is being discharged with an external fixator for a fractured humerus. Discuss home care instructions for this patient. For home care management of patient with external fixator, checking the fixator is the very important thing to do. Check if there are loose pins, loose nuts on frame, and pain at the fracture site. Cleaning the frame should be twice a week, dampened cloth with alcohol or water can be used to wipe off the frame. Monitoring temperature should be done daily, cause increase temperature may be a sign of infection to the affected site. As the same with the frames, pin sites should also be cleaned once or twice a day to prevent infection. 7. Identify various types of traction and the principles of effective traction. Various types of tractions includes: Skin traction put up by means of adhesive tape or strapping that is applied to the limb; Skeletal traction put up by means of directly upon the bones by means of pins, wires; Bryants traction is a kind of traction used for treatment of fractured femur or correction of hip dislocation; Bucks traction kind of traction which a pull is exerted on the lower extremities in order to align it to treat contractures and diseases of hip and knee; Dunlops traction a mechanism that helps in treating immobilize upper arm due to fracture or contracture of the elbow; Russells traction unilateral or bilateral mechanism that helps in immobilizing, and to aligning lower extremities due to femur, hip, knee contractures and other orthopedic diseases in hip and knee. In order to have effective traction, as a health care provider, you should make sure to position the patient properly with a correct body alignment in the center of the bed to have a good maintenance of the pull. Ropes and weights should be observed and checked regularly to make sure it moving freely on the pulley. The rope knots should be maintained in a right position in order to prevent it from touching the pulley. And lastly, the comfort of the patient should be maintained, and making sure he/she is comfortable in his/her position to avoid any further complications. 8. Discuss the use of Bucks traction, its uses and the involved nursing considerations. Bucks traction is a form of skin traction to the lower extremity specifically the lower limb to provide straight pull through single pulley that is attached to a crossbar at the foot of the bed. It is a short-term measure in treatment for hip dislocations, hip and knee contractures and reduction of back pain. In terms of nursing considerations, the main goal is to provide patients comfort, positioning the patients bed not to high to prevent any discomfort. Checking the alignment of the leg is also a must, it should be in a straight line of pull to maintain the attachment of the bar to the pulley. Part of it, the bandage wrapping should be checked if it attached properly. 9. Discuss the nursing care for a patient undergoing orthopedic surgery. In caring for patient undergoing orthopedic surgery, the main goal is to restore motion, stabilize and relieve pain and disability. For the preoperative care, the nursing care to be done is to assess for the hydration status of the patient. It is important for the patient to have adequate hydration in order to decrease the blood viscosity and venous stasis and also it ensure adequate urine flow. In checking the hydration status of the patient, the skin and mucous membranes, along with the vital signs, laboratory status and urine output are assessed and monitored. More on, the nurse also has the responsibility in helping the patient to relieve his/her discomfort. Relieving pain can be decreased in immobilizing of the fractured bone/joint. It is really important to control the pain of the patient in order to accomplish other nursing care like improving the mobility of the patient. For the postoperative care, it is important to assess and monitor the vital signs, pain/discomfort, wound drainage, level of consciousness, and fluid balance of the patient, in order to prevent any complications. Web Assignment In a patient that has applied cast, the first and most important thing to do is to assess the patients overall health condition, in assessing the patient, start by monitoring for the vital signs and pain/discomfort of the patient; numbness, tingling sensation, and irritation on the injured body part in order to prevent any further complications. Commonly, mild swelling on the injured area is common during the first few days. In caring for this, you can teach the patient or his/her relatives to keep the cast above the level of the heart for about 24-48 hours. This management can help in reducing the swelling, by doing this the injured part can be rested on pillows to maintain this level. Also, putting ice packs can help swelling down. Ice packs can be covered with thin towel to the cast and apply it for about 20 minutes every two hours. Pain relievers prescribed by the physician can also be taken like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. For the cast care, it is important to keep the cast clean and dry. It is advisable to avoid taking showers and better yet use the bathtub and hand the part with cast outside the tub while bathing. One way also is to cover the injured part with plastic bag or wrap to prevent the water on the cast. Also, check the cast if it is attach properly, make sure it is not too tight or loose. These measurements are important because of the reason that air and water if get under the cast may cause complications like skin breakdown if not prevented. Prevent dirt, or sand to get under the cast, to prevent any inflammation due to irritation within the cast. When having a cast, sweating cant be prevented to accumulate under the cast, it is proper to monitor if the cast has strong odor. Monitoring the patients cast is a must to prevent any complications. More on, if the patient experiences these: foul odor from the cast, along with cracks or breaks, loose or tight cast; swelling, tingling or numbness, discoloration, and severe pain from the injured part it is proper to report immediately to the attending physician to avoid worse situation and to do proper measures to treat the following abnormalities.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Online Grocery Shopping Website

Online Grocery Shopping Website In this era of modernization, it is becoming very difficult for the grocery shops to sustain without having an online shopping portal. To match with the changing patterns of buyers, Miou Co is planning to open an online shopping website for its grocery products. This report presents the market research of buying patterns and consumer traits of customers with respect to online grocery shopping. It also presents the marketing implications for the company when it opts for opening an online shopping website. The market research was conducted by both the methods i.e. secondary research (Literature review) and primary research (Focused Group and In-Depth Interviews). The major findings from the research suggest that customers prefer online shopping as compared to offline shopping for grocery products given that some constraints are taken care of. The customers across age-groups have different opinions in terms of their traits for buying online, but indicate one straight forward trait that they are happy to have an online shopping experience as it has many advantages over offline shopping. The market research findings suggest to Miou Co. Ltd. that it should open an online shopping website. The major marketing implications identified by the research are: The marketing efforts should focus on building the brand name and brand awareness among the customers as trust is one of the prerequisite of online shopping. The marketing messages should focus on payment security, information accuracy, fast and safe delivery of products and online shopping advantages. The company should come up with a marketing campaign for the website to attract the customers to the website. Introduction Present era is an era of globalization where the world is considered to be flat. The era of globalization has come into existence largely because of the internet boom and internet is considered to be the fastest way of communication. Through internet a person can have its presence at any corer of the world. In fact, the world of internet is different from the real world and thus it is called as a virtual world. People are living in this virtual world through social networking websites and not even people but several companies have also made their presence in the virtual world utilizing the internet boom (Cohen, Manion Morrison, 2007). Internet is not only used to spread awareness about the products but now it is also explicitly used for shopping. Online shopping is new shopping address for the customers and now they can do everything on internet whatever they do while visiting a normal brick and mortar shop. As e-commerce and online shopping is becoming popular and profitable, many companies are now entering this virtual world for opening their online shopping portal. Almost every business in developed countries provides an option of buying products through internet because this helps in increasing the customer base. Same is the case with the Miou Co. Ltd. which is a national supermarket chain in Australia. This company is aiming to open an online grocery shopping website so that customer can also shop through their website. This is a very important step for the company as opening an online shopping portal is a very expensive and complex process unlike a normal street-shop (Creswell, 2002). Internet shops make life of customers more comfortable but at the same time cost associated with opening of internet shops are also high. Thus proper analysis needs to be carried in order to reach a conclusion of opening online shopping website. This report will include the analysis of customer buying behavior and also analysis of the target segment. This report will majorly deal with the thorough analysis of the customer traits and also the perception of these customers towards online grocery shopping. Secondary research is done by researching scholarly articles and journals on marketing and research. This will help in developing literature review of the presented topic. Then primary research is conducted to analyze the customer buying behavior and perceptions towards online grocery shopping. Analysis of the responses of the primary research conducted helps in deriving on any solution as well as it helps in providing the recommendations to the Miou Co. Ltd. for retaining and acquiring new customers as well as marketing implications. Literature Review Internet boom has presented shoppers a new address and companies one more point of contact through online shopping. Online shopping is considered to be inevitable for the companies which directly deal with customers for their daily needs. Thus the main categories which are very successful in increasing the customer bases are fashion products, electronic items, consumer durables, grocery items, computer accessories and peripherals. These are the major categories which have huge number of customers on internet also (Piercy, 2006). Online shopping is thus considered as a very profitable option by the companies which have presence as brick and mortar stores across any region. The customers earlier used to visit local shops for fulfilling all their needs but it was very difficult for those who were very busy in their daily schedules. These customers wanted to have a comfortable life where they dont have to visit these shops but still they are able to purchase the products. Thus the best s olution for these customers is to have shopping through online medium and by accessing internet (Leedy Ormrod, 2005). Online shopping websites have seen an exponential growth and there are many companies in this sector which dont have any brick and mortar shops but exclusive presence on internet. These are the companies which are dedicatedly providing products to customers through internet. There are many advantages for the companies to get involved in the ecommerce and online shopping without having physical presence (Thoits Virshup, 2007). Some of these advantages are as follows: There is no investment on land and interior decoration while setting up an online shopping portal as compared to establishing a brick and mortar shop. The major chunk of the money invested in opening a traditional offline shop is invested in acquiring land and developing of shop and its interior design. This cost of acquiring land is absent in the case of online shopping. The cost of land comes in millions if the shop has to make presence at many locations in a country. Whereas in case of online shopping portal, this expense is compensated with few dollars spent on buying a domain name (Lawrence, 2005). An online shopping portal can be accessed from any place wherever internet penetration is available. This means that simultaneously, the portal of online shopping can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Whereas in the case of traditional shops it is highly difficult for the owner to open shop at every city in the country. This has huge cost implication and even if a store has a chain of stores then also the owner cannot think of opening more than 100 stores simultaneously. Online shopping is accessible to the customer for 24 hours and 365 days in a year. Whereas this is not possible with the traditional stores as the stores remain closed on holidays and majority of the stores are closed in night (Denzin and Lincoln, 2004). This gives huge benefits and freedom to online shopping stores as they a customer is free to purchase anything around the clock. Overhead cost which consists of electricity, maintenance and staff salary is very high of the traditional stores whereas it is very less in the case of online shopping portals. This increases the profit margin of the online shopping portals several folds when compared to the traditional stores and also the breakeven is reached at faster rate. These are some of the major benefits which are reaped while starting an online shopping portal as compared to starting of traditional shops. Thus these benefits and advantages acts as motivational tools for encouraging online shopping business. These are the benefits for the businessmen who start their own online shopping portal (Hinton, 2004). There are certain more factors which need to be thoroughly checked to analyze and conclude whether it is necessary for the company to have their own online shopping portal. In the era of internet and globalization, almost every country is present in the virtual world but the online ecommerce presence is also dependent upon the type of product to be sold and the characteristics as well as buying pattern of the prospective customers. May be the product can be successfully catered to the customers through online but the buying pattern of the customers would not allow them to buy these products online. In developing countries like Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Thailand, Philippines and many under developed countries, the penetration of internet is very less (Ridgeway Johnson, 2000). Hence the products which are successfully selling in developed nations like United States of America and United Kingdom will not sell properly in developing and poor nations. Thus from the above example it ca n be clearly attributed that there are several other factors which needs to be observed while deciding on the parameters which are very crucial for the success of the online shopping portal. Some of the major parameters which have been considered as crucial for the success of the online shopping portals are discussed in detail as follows (Loken, Kim Monga, 2006): Customer Buying Behavior: This is the most important and impactful parameter which is part of the decision of opening of an online shopping portal as end customers are the persons who will earn the business and revenues. The buying pattern is highly important to be analyzed properly and without bias so that the feasibility of the portal can be calculated. Customer buying behavior is composed of the propensity of the customers to buy products online. This propensity is rises because of several reasons which can be: Customer want to compare and check about the product at several different place and then he makes his buying decision after choosing from several other alternatives which are present. This decision is based majorly on comparing the prices as well as reviews. Currently most of the online shopping websites have a reviews section for the product and these reviews are written by the users (Tsushima Burke, 2009). Thus customers are highly dependent upon the reviews of the customers who are using that product. Other buying decision factor is price which can be compared across several other online shopping websites. It is a general opinion that customers tend to purchase same product from any store which is offering least price or the same product at cheapest price. On internet websites, the shoppers have wide array of websites offering products and thus the customers choose the product which is available at least price (Johnson, Garbarino Sivadas, 2006). The customer also checks about the verification as well as credibility of the online shopping portal. There are many cases where the online shopping websites are fraud and thus customers end up losing their money. This is very prevalent deception or scam in many countries because it is easy for the website owners to conceal their identity and thus cheat the customers. In fact the customers should also verify whether the product being sent by the company is same as described in the website else they will end up paying higher cost for a local material made product. These are some of the critical parameters which modify the buying behavior pattern of the customers. Hence any company while launching their website should be able to analyze their customer buying pattern. Brand Awareness: Shopping on internet is very easy if the brand or company from which is the shopping is being done is a well known brand. Thus it can be said that customers feel comfortable if the corporate name is a well known name in the country and thus the credibility issues are properly captured (Khare Inman, 2006). It is very easy for the customers to shop on the online shopping website of the brand which is known to them and they have even used the product by purchasing it from traditional store. Hence a national supermarket chain which is a known in any given country will definitely have mass audience to follow the online shopping too same as they visit the brick and mortar shop. Psychographics: The Psychographics is the study of the characteristics of the personality, traits, values and lifestyle of the customers. This is a highly important parameter which is utilized by the marketers for segmentation of the target market. The major area which is being focused by Psychographics is interests, activities and opinions and these parameters help in analyzing the lifestyle and values of the customers. For example, People of South Korea are considered to be worlds most hardworking people on earth. They want to save time wherever it is possible. Thus their lifestyle does not allow them to spend much time in grocery supermarkets in turn they want to keep them busy in work. Thus one of the national supermarket chains in South Korea came up with an idea of selling grocery products on the go to the customers through mobile application. This was one of the brilliant strategies to increase the customer wallets share and also retaining as well as acquiring new customers (G oebert Rosenthal, 2002). This strategy was purely based upon the lifestyle of target segment and hence it can be said that the psychographics study was nicely conducted. Internet usage frequency: For the success of online shopping portals, the customers should have high internet usage frequency (Miles and Huberman, 1994). It never happens that any customer will use internet just for shopping. Thus internet penetration and internet usage is also a known and crucial factor in deciding the fate of online shopping portal. Security concerns: Majority of the population are aware of the fraudulent practices on internet like hacking and phishing which make a user prone to some form of cyber attack. While purchasing any product on internet, a user has to give information about credit or debit card number or internet banking passwords which are highly confidential information (Couper, 2008). If this information is accessed by some other person then he can monetarily harm the user. Thus the majority of the online shopping websites have secured network line and even certified SSL lines provided by different gateways. These gateways provide secure form of transaction of money from one account to another. Thus users should be made aware of these security standards and also all the online shopping websites should strictly follow all the security measures in order to maximize customer wallet share. These are some of the major parameters which help in deciding the success of online shopping portals and thus marketing managers should consider analyzing all the above parameters very carefully while developing online shopping portals. Research Methodology The research is being conducted by the marketing manager of Miou Co. Ltd. which is a national supermarket chain in Australia. Considering the emergence of online shopping websites, Miou Co. Ltd. also wants to establish its own online grocery shopping portal. Research Problem: The research is being conducted for Miou Co. Ltd. to understand the marketing implications of opening of online shopping website. The research will mainly analyze the customer buying behavior and perceptions towards online shopping. Research Objective: The research objective sets a path for the research conduct and this objective helps in clarification about the core reason which needs to be brought out by this research. In this report the research objectives can be identified as: To know the customer perception towards online shopping of grocery items. To analyze Customer buying behavior when they turn internet shopper. These research objectives are the core focus of this research and it will help in observing the target audience as well as increasing the new and retained customers. Research Proposition: The research proposition or research plan/ proposal describes about the overall scenario of the research. The research is based on the primary research i.e. data is gathered directly from the customers (Leedy Ormrod, 2005). The market research tools being employed in this report is focused group discussion and depth interviews to know the customer characteristics as well as buying behavior. Significance of Market Research The market research is conducted to understand the customer buying behavior and their decision making patterns while shopping on internet. The customers are also analyzed to know the personality traits so that the company can target the appropriate audience. This market research will clear all the confusions from top managements regarding the feasibility as well as profitability of the online grocery shopping portal. Focus Group Design The focus group is a group discussion conducted among a group of 15-25 people who represents the target segment of the company (Deaux, 2002). In the focused group discussion, there is a moderator who presents the questions which needs to be discussed in focus group. These questions are relevant to the research objectives. All the respondents are then free to discuss their opinion in the discussion and the moderator analyses the discussion as well as information. For this research, there were 3 focus group discussions held and there were 20 members representing the same target segment but different age group. 1st focus group discussion happened between people from age 18-25 years, 2nd happened between 26-40 years and 3rd discussion happened with people above age of 40 years. The questions asked in the focus group were as follows: How often you all shop online and what are the most selling categories? What level of security should be present in the online shopping websites? What are major advantages as well as disadvantages of using online shopping website? Why will a person buy grocery products through online shopping website? What are the chief factors which presents resistance while buying products online? Ethical Issues relevant to Focus Groups The major ethical issue with focus group discussion is that identity of respondents is revealed and thus this is an impediment for unbiased response (Cooley, 2009). Respondents are unsure whether they should respond honestly or they should say whatever moderator wants to hear. In this research, this ethical issue is handled by telephonic focus group discussion. This is a new form of discussion where it is not necessary that respondent is present physically thus it helps in unbiased opinion flow in the discussion. Findings from Focus groups Majorly the responses from all the three focus groups were coherent with slight change. The major points which emerged are as follows: In Australia, majority of the population has awareness about the internet and hence they are aware of using internet for shopping. The major factors while choosing online shopping website is brand name, reviews and quality of product and security. Almost everyone has an opinion that they will opt to buy only packaged products from online grocery store because they dont want to stay in billing queues and want to spend their time in other recreational activities. Apart from the convenience and comparison of prices instantly the major advantage of online shopping is home delivery. But the major drawback of e-commerce is that customer cannot touch or feel the product before the ownership, hence chance of fraud is high. In-Depth Interviews These are the type of interviews which are conducted to have confidential, secure and personal information regarding the research objective (DeVellis, 2003). These interviews are generally carried out at the home of interviewee to get natural surroundings for unbiased opinions. In-Depth Interviews in this research was conducted over 15 respondents by going in their home and taking almost 1.5 hrs to complete. Respondents were given ample amount of time to reply to the questions and forming their opinions. The major points which were asked in the interview are as follows: Are you comfortable with online shopping and if yes then what are the categories you prefer. If no, then what are the reasons for not being comfortable? Major advantages and disadvantages related to online shopping? What are the benefits from shopping online? Why would you prefer or not prefer shopping grocery products through website? You like to go traditional shops for shopping or like to shop on internet? Ethical Issues relevant to In-Depth Interviews The major ethical issue in the In-Depth Interviews is that the interviewer should conceal the information about the respondent and also about the information (Gaines, 2005). He should provide the analysis of the interview rather than giving raw information which was carefully handled in this research. Findings from In-Depth Interviews The findings from these interviews were almost same as that of focused discussions but the depth of information is much more in this case. Findings are as follows: Almost all the respondents were comfortable with online shopping format because of high internet penetration. The majority of the categories for online shopping are electronic items and fashion as well as clothing products. The major influencer for online shopping is lifestyle and the choice of product is very high in online shopping format. But the disadvantages in case of online shopping are security issues, credibility of the product offered. Also the touch and feel factor is missing in this case. The major benefit is that respondents dont have to visit physically for buying even a single item as well as they can devote saved time to do other beneficial activities. Majority of the respondents would prefer to shop online grocery to save their time but they will prefer shopping only from established corporate names as it helps in building credibility. Marketing Implications According to the findings, the company should definitely launch the online shopping portal. This will help them in increasing the customer base. But several things which need attention are: The brand name of the online website should be relevant to the corporate name Miou Co. Ltd. as it will develop credibility. Marketing efforts need to be directed to achieve this. The marketing campaigns should focus on the benefits like 100% secure transaction and fastest way of purchasing grocery while doing other activities. Company should also come up with several offers which will benefit the end customers and thus de-motivate them to go other grocery stores. Price plays a major role in buying decision making. Limitations of Research Methods The research work being conducted was driven very carefully but then also there are certain limitations which are as follows: The sample size for the interview and focus group was less and thus the sampling population cannot be attributed as complete target segment characteristics (Linville, 2007). The moderator and interviewer are the only persons responsible for the data quality as well as unbiased opinions. Thus there may be chances that the inferred information might be wrong or biased as per opinion of researcher. The environment for focus discussion was artificial as it was conducted through telephone (Kollock, 2004). Thus there are chances that this artificial environment has modified the response of the respondents. Conclusion The research is being conducted for the company Miou Co. Ltd. which is national supermarket chain. This research aims to analyze the customer buying pattern as well as their perceptions towards online shopping and specifically online grocery shopping. The research is conducted as primary research and the data gathering tools employed is focus group discussions as well as in-depth interviews. This helped in gathering the information about the customer perception, characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of online shopping and the points which acts as an obstacle to online shopping. Depending upon the analysis, marketing implications are carved which will help the top management in designing the marketing campaigns for success of online grocery shopping website.

Monday, August 19, 2019

History of Egypt Essay -- Historical Egypt Africa Cairo Essays Papers

History of Egypt The rich history of Egypt is tied very closely with the Nile River’s fertile banks and existence as a source of water. Flowing south to north, this massive river has had a tremendous impact on agriculture, transportation, religion, migration of populations, and culture as a whole. The narrow Nile Valley as well as the surrounding deserts provided defense and isolation from the arising cultures of the time. Over many centuries, the rainfall has affected the levels of flooding on the Nile and therefore the way in which the Egyptians had to live. This region is rich with cultural and historical records of the ongoing relationship of culture and society with the environment and the Nile. Cairo is the capital of Egypt and is the biggest city not only in Egypt but the Middle East as well. With a current population of over 15 million inhabitants, the city has evolved for over four thousand years with a variety of social and cultural influences. Northern Africa has been occupied by Ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, and Turks and monuments that still stand today are evidence of these influences. Cairo has been known by many names, including Memphis, Heliopolis, Babylon, and, Al-Qahira. The city was a center of religious development for Christianity, Judaism, and Islam throughout its thirty or more dynasties. Over 8,000 years ago, Northern Africa was rich with diverse wildlife including elephants, buffalo, hippopotami, and giraffe (Lamb). However by 5,000 BC, some of these species began to die out or migrate from this region, perhaps due to the increased migration of humans and settling near the Nile. The Nile was the best and only source of fresh water in the area and its annual flooding and receding le... ...In 1882, the British seized control of Egypt until it could repay its debts. Egypt gained its independence in 1952 and has continued to grow, with Cairo being the centerpiece of ongoing development ( Throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s, the West Bank of the Nile River was concreted over to make room for urban sprawl. The relationship of the city with the Nile was becoming less cooperative and increasingly damaging to its natural state. Cairo expanded north into Nasr City in what has become an eyesore to the landscape. Cairo has even expanded up and over the Muquattam Hills, which once stood as a barrier to previous eastern growth. The rapid expansion of Cairo seems as if it will pose a serious problem to the Nile and its resources as transportation, industry, and residential construction litter the banks of the once coveted and worshipped Nile.

Images and Imagery in Macbeth Essay -- Macbeth essays

Imagery in Macbeth    The Bard of Avon considers imagery one of many elements in his tragedy Macbeth which give underpinning to the theme of the drama. The imagery might be said to be not a goal in itself but a means to an end. In Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy, Northrop Frye shows how the playwright uses imagery to reinforce the theme: This theme is at its clearest where we are most in sympathy with the nemesis. Thus at the end of Macbeth, after the proclamation "the time is free," and of promises to make reparations of Macbeth's tyranny "Which would be planted newly with the time," there will be a renewal not only of time but of the whole rhythm of nature symbolized by the word "measure," which includes both the music of the spheres and the dispensing of human justice [. . .]. (94-95) In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson interprets the imagery of Macbeth: Macbeth is a play in which the poetic atmosphere is very important; so important, indeed, that some recent commentators give the impression that this atmosphere, as created by the imagery of the play, is its determining quality. For those who pay most attention to these powerful atmospheric suggestions, this is doubtless true. Mr. Kenneth Muir, in his introduction to the play - which does not, by the way, interpret it simply from this point of view - aptly describes the cumulative effect of the imagery: "The contrast between light and darkness is part of a general antithesis between good and evil, devils and angels, evil and grace, hell and heaven . . . and the disease images of IV, iii and in the last act clearly reflect both the evil which is a disease, and Macbeth himself who is the disease from which his country suffe... ...e's Tragic Heroes: Slaves of Passion. New York: Barnes and Noble, 1970. Frye, Northrop. Fools of Time: Studies in Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1967. Kermode, Frank. "Macbeth." The Riverside Shakespeare. Ed. G. Blakemore Evans. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1972. Knights, L.C. "Macbeth." Shakespeare: The Tragedies. A Collectiion of Critical Essays. Alfred Harbage, ed. Englewwod Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1964. Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Macbeth., no lin. Warren, Roger. Shakespeare Survey 30.   N.p.: n.p., 1977. Pp. 177-78. Rpt. in Shakespeare in the Theatre: An Anthology of Criticism. Stanley Wells, ed. England: Oxford University Press, 2000. Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Jane english and the Analogy of the Hypnotized Attackers :: essays research papers

For our next paper I plan on discussing abortion as a social issue. I want to do this in the form of a critical paper This seems to be a very sticky subject and is one of the topics we had in our class that was very interesting to me with a lot of room for interpretation as to when it is or is not o.k. to abort the fetus if it should ever be done at all. The argument I plan to discuss is Jane English's analogy of the hypnotized attackers which was not one of our readings, but one I came across in some research I did for this upcoming paper. This analogy has to do with a mad scientist who abducts people, hypnotizes them and has them attack innocent passerbys. A major part of the analogy is realizing that these people who are attacking innocents are themselves innocent and would not be committing the acts of violence that they are guilty of if they were not hypnotized and were able to act on their own volition. They are acting on the will of the mad scientist. He is the only bad person in this whole scenario. The innocent hypnotized attackers are representative of the fetus and the helpless attackee is representative of the woman or women who are victims of the unwanted pregnancy. The analogy is to determine the measure of force that can that can be used by the attacker to protect one'sself from the undesired attack of an undesirable pregnancy depending on what kind of damage the pregnancy may cause. I think that this analogy does a good job in deciding how to deal with the burden of pregnancy during more than just the moment of attack. Her narrative can grasp or deal with a lot of possible situations. Jane English argues that if a fetus is a person, abortion is still justifiable in many cases and if a fetus is not a person, killing it is still wrong in many cases (pg. 4). When I first read this , or heard, this passage I felt that it was fairly wishy- washy. I felt that her argument really did not have a stand, but how can you when you are not truly pro- choice or pro-life. She seems to be saying that there must be a good reason to end a life and not just for the sheer convenience of it. I completely agree. Also, with this argument came the concept of personhood. This concept seems to be what liberals and conservatives are trying to define because it can be stated at that exact moment when a fetus becomes a person and therefore when abortion